Title: The Alliance Alive HD Remastered – Digital Limited Edition Genre(s): Adventure – Role-playing – JRPG Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: January 16, 2020 Company: FURYU Corporation / NIS America, Inc.

About This Game


The Alliance Alive HD Remastered – Digital Limited Edition contains the main game and artbook & original soundtrack! The Alliance Alive HD Remastered marks the glorious rebirth of the acclaimed RPG brought to you by FURYU Corporation. Uniting the talents of writer Yoshitaka Murayama, designer Kyouji Koizumi, art director Masayo Asano, and composer Masashi Hamauzu, this epic adventure comes to life with innovative gameplay on a backdrop of vibrant visuals and a classic tale. Players can develop their party’s skills through combat-based character progression, immerse themselves in the game’s lush world via dynamic vehicle-centric exploration, and form alliances with various guilds and factions. Venture further into the world to discover new vehicles to traverse in, magic to wield, places to visit, and more to experience! STORY Humanity has been shattered and enslaved by Daemons invading from another realm. The Dark Current, a cataclysmic event caused by the Daemons’ emergence, has decimated the population and divided the land into separate regions, leaving the survivors to be subjugated by Daemonic overlords. A thousand years have passed since that fateful event, and mankind will remain silent no longer. To reclaim their homes and free their people, an unlikely fellowship of heroes will band together to spark a fiery revolution. They must form alliances with the remnants of the resistance throughout the world to make a united stand against the legions of Daemons. If they fail, humanity as they know it will remain forever stifled by the darkness… KEY FEATURES – A Vivid World: From lava-covered wastes to snowy mountains, the numerous themed realms around the world offer their own unique experiences and challenges. Navigate each diverse environment by utilizing a variety of different vehicles, including ships, rideable beasts, and flying machines. – Forged in Battle: The ferocity and strife of combat can draw forth your inner reserves of power. Build up determination to enter a state of Ignition, which allows you to execute devastating critical attacks. Repeated use of weapons and Ignition attacks also has the chance to “awaken” a new skill for your characters mid-battle. – Stand Together: You cannot challenge the Daemons alone. Form alliances with Guilds and factions to mobilize the strength of warriors and scholars all across the land to confront terrifying foes. Allying with Guilds also grants you the ability to call upon them to aid you in battle, among many useful other perks. You’re going to need every last bit of help you can get.

System Requirements

Minimum Requirements: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 7 64-bit or later Processor: Dual-core Intel or AMD processor, 2.5 GHz or faster Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 or newer, or Intel HD Graphics 4600 or newer DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 5 GB available space Additional Notes: Anti-Aliasing off, 1280×720 Recommended Requirements: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 7 64-bit or later Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD processor, 2.5 GHz or faster Memory: 8 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 470 GTX or AMD Radeon 6870 HD DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 5 GB available space

Game Media

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Video/s from the Game:

Additional Information

FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTS The Alliance Alive HD Remastered – Digital Limited Edition (c) FURYU Corporation / NIS America, Inc. The Alliance Alive HD Remastered – Digital Limited Edition contains the main game and artbook & original soundtrack!The Alliance Alive HD Remastered marks the glorious rebirth of the acclaimed RPG brought to you by FURYU Corporation. Uniting the talents of writer Yoshitaka Murayama, designer Kyouji Koizumi, art director Masayo Asano, and composer Masashi Hamauzu, this epic adventure comes to life with innovative gameplay on a backdrop of vibrant visuals and a classic tale. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/the_alliance_alive_hd_remastered_digital_limited_edition How to Download and Install The Alliance Alive HD Remastered – Digital Limited Edition

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