Title: Rance VI + 5D Genre: Adventure – Role-playing – JRPG Works on: Windows (10, 11) Release date: December 20, 2022 Company: Alicesoft / MangaGamer

About This Game


Rance 5D -The Lonely Girl- Continuing from Rance 4.1 and 4.2, 5D takes place in the same universe as the rest of the series, but it tells a standalone story and can be played with no knowledge of the previous Rance games. These are stories of Rance not as a king, but as a simple swordsman going on adventures. There are playful stories and cool stories, but it’s mostly playful stories with a few cool stories in between. Games like Rance 3 and 4, with ambitious scales, are the cooler type, and you could say that Rance 1, 2, 4.1, and 4.2 are the playful types. And this story is another of the playful ones. Rance VI – Collapse of Zeth Some time after Rance 5D, Rance has once again spent all his money and taken a job in the magical Kingdom of Zeth with his mage slave, Sill. In Zeth, however, mages are considered superior and non-mages are treated as 2nd class citizens, sparking events that lead to Rance’s confinement. What appears to be a prosperous nation is, in reality, rife with poverty and oppression against all who can’t use magic. Annoyed that such discrimination would target himself, Rance joins a resistance group and helps their efforts to lead Zeth to a revolution. And so, under the pretense of liberating the public, Rance’s adventure full of punishing evil mages, making a harem from his female allies, and having tons of sex begins…

System Requirements

Minimum Requirements: System: Windows 10 Processor: Pentium 4+ Memory: 1GB+ Graphics: DirectX 9 Compatible Graphics Card DirectX: 9.0c+ Storage: 2GB+ Sound: WAV, Direct Sound Required

Game Media

ScreenShots from the Game:

Additional Information

FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTS Rance VI + 5D (c) Alicesoft / MangaGamer In Rance 5D -The Lonely Girl-Continuing from Rance 4.1 and 4.2, 5D takes place in the same universe as the rest of the series, but it tells a standalone story and can be played with no knowledge of the previous Rance games. Rance VI – Collapse of Zeth-Some time after Rance 5D, Rance has once again spent all his money and taken a job in the magical Kingdom of Zeth with his mage slave, Sill. In Zeth, however, mages are considered superior and non-mages are treated as 2nd class citizens, sparking events that lead to Rance’s confinement. More info here: https://www.gog.com/en/game/rance_vi_5d

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Size: 1.57 GB Rance VI v1.0 [GOG] Old Link/s: No old links at the moment Size: 98.69 MB Rance 5D v1.0 [GOG]